FAQ: AVENSI: The World's Best Coffee Enhancing Glasses
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Indiegogo!

ORDERING: I only drink light roast coffee. Can I order just the ALTO glass?

That’s a great question. For now the ALTO glasses will only be available with the AVENSI Complete Set.

That being said, the VIDA glasses actually work well with light to dark roasts. We heard consistently from the coffee experts who experimented with the cups that the VIDA was the best all around performer for your everyday coffee that you enjoy. That’s because of it’s ability to enhance and amplify the overall flavor profile of your coffee.

We thought long and hard about the best way to get people excited about using the AVENSI glasses for the first time. Since this way of appreciating coffee is so novel, our goal is to make it easy for coffee drinkers to have the full experience of the complete AVENSI set. It really is a tool that allows you to explore the hidden flavors of your coffee.

The recommended flavor pairings are just a starting point, and you can always experiment with new coffees in each cup to explore and discover the flavors of your coffee. We didn’t want to be too prescriptive with how the cups can be used, because we don’t want to limit how these tools can be used to enhance your coffee experience. For example, even though the ALTO glass is recommended for ‘fruity, bright, lighter roasts’, some experts we worked with like using the ALTO with darker, chocolaty roasts. And even though the SENTI glass is recommended for ‘nutty, earthy, darker roasts’ many experts liked using the SENTI with bright, fruity coffees. This is because they want to reveal different subtle flavors that they wouldn’t normally detect in their coffee. In this sense, the AVENSI glasses can be used in creative new ways to get the most from your coffee experience! Look for the unexpected and don’t be afraid to venture into new realms of flavor.

To us, coffee is about exploring new flavors and discovering hidden aspects about the coffees that you enjoy everyday. The AVENSI encourages you to experiment and uncover something new! Coffee is an adventure and the potential for new flavors is really limitless.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

ORDERING: I only drink dark roast coffee. Can I order just the SENTI glass?

That’s a great question. For now the SENTI glasses will only be available with the AVENSI Complete Set.

That being said, the VIDA glasses actually work well with light to dark roasts. We heard consistently from the coffee experts who experimented with the cups that the VIDA was the best all around performer for your everyday coffee that you enjoy. That’s because of it’s ability to enhance and amplify the overall flavor profile of your coffee.

We thought long and hard about the best way to get people excited about using the AVENSI glasses for the first time. Since this way of appreciating coffee is so novel, our goal is to make it easy for coffee drinkers to have the full experience of the complete AVENSI set. It really is a tool that allows you to explore the hidden flavors of your coffee.

The recommended flavor pairings are just a starting point, and you can always experiment with new coffees in each cup to explore and discover the flavors of your coffee. We didn’t want to be too prescriptive with how the cups can be used, because we don’t want to limit how these tools can be used to enhance your coffee experience. For example, even though the ALTO glass is recommended for ‘fruity, bright, lighter roasts’, some experts we worked with like using the ALTO with darker, chocolaty roasts. And even though the SENTI glass is recommended for ‘nutty, earthy, darker roasts’ many experts liked using the SENTI with bright, fruity coffees. This is because they want to reveal different subtle flavors that they wouldn’t normally detect in their coffee. In this sense, the AVENSI glasses can be used in creative new ways to get the most from your coffee experience! Look for the unexpected and don’t be afraid to venture into new realms of flavor.

To us, coffee is about exploring new flavors and discovering hidden aspects about the coffees that you enjoy everyday. The AVENSI encourages you to experiment and uncover something new! Coffee is an adventure and the potential for new flavors is really limitless.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

ORDERING: How can I add more glasses to my pledge tier? How can I pledge for multiple rewards?

That’s awesome you’d like to add more glasses to your pledge! If you’d like to pledge for multiple rewards all you have to do is (1) add the total pledge amount of the reward you’d like to add and (2) add the corresponding shipping amount for the add-on reward.

Once you update your pledge amount, shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of once the campaign ends!

In your email, please be sure to include: (1) the rewards that you pledged for, and (2) the country that you’ll be shipping to. As mentioned, there will be some added shipping for the extra add-on reward, so we can look into getting quotes for you from our fulfillment partner to see if there will be any savings on shipping to send your rewards as a single shipment.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

ORDERING: Only the VIDA glasses are available as a 2-piece set. How can I order a pair of ALTO glasses or a pair of SENTI glasses?

For now only the VIDA is being offered as a 2-piece set, while the SENTI and ALTO glasses are only available in the AVENSI complete set.

We thought long and hard about the best way to get people excited about using the AVENSI glasses for the first time. Since this way of appreciating coffee is so novel, our goal is to make it easy for coffee drinkers to have the full experience of the complete AVENSI set. It really is a tool that allows you to explore the hidden flavors of your coffee.

The recommended flavor pairings are just a starting point, and you can always experiment with new coffees in each cup to explore and discover the flavors of your coffee. We didn’t want to be too prescriptive with how the cups can be used, because we don’t want to limit how these tools can be used to enhance your coffee experience. For example, even though the ALTO glass is recommended for ‘fruity, bright, lighter roasts’, some experts we worked with like using the ALTO with darker, chocolaty roasts. And even though the SENTI glass is recommended for ‘nutty, earthy, darker roasts’ many experts liked using the SENTI with bright, fruity coffees. This is because they want to reveal different subtle flavors that they wouldn’t normally detect in their coffee. In this sense, the AVENSI glasses can be used in creative new ways to get the most from your coffee experience! Look for the unexpected and don’t be afraid to venture into new realms of flavor.

To us, coffee is about exploring new flavors and discovering hidden aspects about the coffees that you enjoy everyday. The AVENSI encourages you to experiment and uncover something new! Coffee is an adventure and the potential for new flavors is really limitless

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

ORDERING: I pledged for the AVENSI Complete Set and I’d like to add one or two more cups. How can I do this?

If you’d like to add single glasses to your order, we are currently not offering this option at this time. For now only the VIDA is being offered as a 2-piece set, while the SENTI and ALTO glasses are only available in the AVENSI complete set.

We thought long and hard about the best way to get people excited about using the AVENSI glasses for the first time. Since this way of appreciating coffee is so novel, our goal is to make it easy for coffee drinkers to have the full experience of the complete AVENSI set. It really is a tool that allows you to explore the hidden flavors of your coffee.

The recommended flavor pairings are just a starting point, and you can always experiment with new coffees in each cup to explore and discover the flavors of your coffee. We didn’t want to be too prescriptive with how the cups can be used, because we don’t want to limit how these tools can be used to enhance your coffee experience. For example, even though the ALTO glass is recommended for ‘fruity, bright, lighter roasts’, some experts we worked with like using the ALTO with darker, chocolaty roasts. And even though the SENTI glass is recommended for ‘nutty, earthy, darker roasts’ many experts liked using the SENTI with bright, fruity coffees. This is because they want to reveal different subtle flavors that they wouldn’t normally detect in their coffee. In this sense, the AVENSI glasses can be used in creative new ways to get the most from your coffee experience! Look for the unexpected and don’t be afraid to venture into new realms of flavor.

To us, coffee is about exploring new flavors and discovering hidden aspects about the coffees that you enjoy everyday. The AVENSI encourages you to experiment and uncover something new! Coffee is an adventure and the potential for new flavors is really limitless

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

ORDERING: What if I only want to buy 1 glass?

We spent months considering the best options to package the cups, and based on the feedback we received from countless coffee drinkers and we found that the best option was to offer the three cups as a full set to allow coffee drinkers to experiment and appreciate the flavors of their favorite everyday coffees in new ways.

The recommended flavor pairings are just a starting point, and you can always experiment with new coffees in each cup to explore and discover the flavors of your coffee. We didn’t want to be too prescriptive with how the cups can be used, because we don’t want to limit how these tools can be used to enhance your coffee experience. For example, even though the ALTO glass is recommended for ‘fruity, bright, lighter roasts’, some experts we worked with like using the ALTO with darker, chocolaty roasts. And even though the SENTI glass is recommended for ‘nutty, earthy, darker roasts’ many experts liked using the SENTI with bright, fruity coffees. This is because they want to reveal different subtle flavors that they wouldn’t normally detect in their coffee. In this sense, the AVENSI glasses can be used in creative new ways to get the most from your coffee experience! Look for the unexpected and don’t be afraid to venture into new realms of flavor.

To us, coffee is about exploring new flavors and discovering hidden aspects about the coffees that you enjoy everyday. The AVENSI encourages you to experiment and uncover something new! Coffee is an adventure and the potential for new flavors is really limitless.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

BREWING: Does this work with lattes and other coffee drinks with milk?

The AVENSI is like a loudspeaker for the taste, aroma, and flavor of your coffee. However, with any milk based coffees, the experience tends to be muted because the frothing of the milk creates a blanket of air that shields a lot of the aromatics from being released; this applies to milk based coffees in any cup, not just the AVENSI. So drinking lattes and cappuccino will have a higher perceived sensory experience (taste, aroma, flavor) from the AVENSI compared to drinking from an ordinary mug, but the effect won’t be as noticeable as drinking your coffee without milk.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

BREWING: Can this be used for cold-brew? Or do you only recommend hot coffee?

We tested the glasses with cold brew coffee and they work very well together! As you probably know, cold brew tends to exhibit sweeter floral and fruity notes on the nose and palate, and each of the glasses have interesting ways of enhancing these flavor notes! The difference is really remarkable, even for beginners like us who don’t have the most developed palates or sense of smell.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

BREWING: Can I use the glasses for other beverages like tea?

We’ve tested the AVENSI glasses with a variety of different drinks outside of coffee and we were surprised to find that they work very well for other beverages, especially tea! Even though the AVENSI glasses were developed specifically for coffee, the properties of flavor enhancement through the shape of the glass also works very well for tea (cold brewed and hot). Our personal favorites are jasmine and green tea blends because they tend to be very aromatic. Feel free to experiment for yourself to find out which glasses pair well with your favorite teas! Not only that, the double-wall glass design keeps your tea hot for longer and your hands cool. Dare we say it’s a ‘matcha’ made in heaven? ;)

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

CARE / USAGE: Are the AVENSI glasses microwave oven safe?

We’ve tested the glasses with fresh off the stove boiling water with no problem many times over the past few months. We also did a test by putting one glass into a microwave with hot water for 2 minutes and the glass emerged completely unharmed. Not only that, we used a thermometer to measure the temperature and despite having 87deg Celsius water inside, the handle was safe to hold =)

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

BREWING: Can I brew with my Aeropress directly into the glass?

In terms of dimensions, the inner diameter of the VIDA and SENTI are too small for the Aeropress (60mm and 62mm) but the inner diameter of the ALTO is 85mm. So you’d be able to press directly into the ALTO glass only.

Regarding pressure and durability, the glass is quite sturdy, but for double wall glass we always recommend brewing into a separate vessel first and then pouring your coffee into the glass. I know a handful of people press really hard when they brew with the Aeropress so in these cases it may be worrisome. But if you press softer and don’t mind waiting a bit longer, then brewing directly into the glass should be no problem! The glass is also 1.5mm thick whereas normal double wall glasses are only 1mm thick, making it much more durable than comparable double walled cups.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

CARE / USAGE: Are the AVENSI glasses dishwasher safe?

All the glasses are safe to be washed in a dishwasher. We’ve even tested them with fresh off the stove boiling water and we haven’t had any issues so temperature isn’t a problem. All the glasses are made from borosilicate glass which make them resistant to thermal stress and changes in temperature.

As with all glassware, just be sure to use the top shelf of your dishwasher and avoid placing them next to large heavy kitchenware that may bump and damage the surface of the glasses.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

PRODUCT SPECS: What are the volumes for each of the glasses?

The total volumes for each glass are as follows:

  • VIDA: 415mL / 14oz
  • ALTO: 430mL / 14.5oz
  • SENTI: 475mL /16oz

The integrated pour line measures 6oz of coffee (180mL) which is optimized for maximum surface area and swirling. The swirling and increased surface area maximizes the aromatics which contributes to enhancing the taste and flavor of your coffee.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

PRODUCT SPECS: What are the dimensions of each glass?

The dimensions for each cup are as follows:

VIDA: Height 130mm / 5.1in Rim Diameter: 60mm / 2.3in Bowl Diameter: 86mm / 3.4in Base Diameter: 77mm / 3.0in Max Volume: 415mL / 15oz Pour Line Volume: 180mL / 6oz Rim Thickness 1.5mm

SENTI: Height 130mm / 5.1in Rim Diameter: 62mm / 2.4in Bowl Diameter: 97mm / 3.8in Base Diameter: 74mm / 2.9in Max Volume: 430mL / 14.5oz Pour Line Volume: 180mL / 6oz Rim Thickness 1.5mm

ALTO: Height 130mm / 5.1in Rim Diameter: 85mm / 3.4in Bowl Diameter: 86mm / 3.4in Base Diameter: 77mm / 3.0in Max Volume: 475mL / 16oz Pour Line Volume: 180mL / 6oz Rim Thickness 1.5mm

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

PRODUCT: What does 'AVENSI' mean?

AVENSI is made up of two words: ‘avventura’ and ‘sensi’, which in Italian translate to ‘adventure’ and ‘senses’. For us, coffee is an everyday adventure; being able to slow down and appreciate the moment by exploring the diverse flavor notes of our coffee is what inspired the name for our coffee enhancing glassware line.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

PRODUCT: What is borosilicate glass?

The AVENSI Glasses are made from 100% borosilicate glass, which is a special type of glass that is used for kitchen products that are exposed to higher temperatures. As Wikipedia explains:

“Borosilicate glass is a type of glass with silica and boron trioxide as the main glass-forming constituents. Borosilicate glasses are known for having very low coefficients of thermal expansion (≈3 × 10−6 K−1 at 20 °C), making them resistant to thermal shock, more so than any other common glass.”

In other words, borosilicate glass can withstand higher temperatures, which is important for the AVENSI since it’s designed for hot coffee. Not only that, it can also be used with cold coffee as well (iced coffee, cold brew coffee) thanks to the same thermal shock resistant properties of borosilicate glass.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

PRODUCT: Are the AVENSI glasses durable?

We’ve been testing our glass prototypes for months, with regular washing, usage, cheers-ing and the occasional bang against the side of the sink. We’re happy to say that we’ve had no breaks so far! The glass wall thickness is 1.5mm making it thicker than regular double walled mugs which are normally only 1mm thick. Crystal wine and tasting glasses usually measure around 0.7mm or less. In our experience, the AVENSI glasses have proven to be durable than comparable options and will become your new go-to glass for your everyday coffee!

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

PRODUCT: What material is used to make the Discovery Felt Coasters?

The Discovery felt coasters are made from 100% polyester. This makes the coasters extra durable, flexible, and super absorbent. We considered many other materials for the coasters, including wood, wool, cork, paper, and silicon. They make perfect companions to the AVENSI glasses, but we didn’t want to limit you to how you use them. Thanks to the double-walled base, our AVENSI glasses prevent condensation from forming, but if you ever want to use the coasters for other glasses that ‘sweat’, you can have full confidence that the Discovery felt coasters will work wonderfully to absorb any condensation that manages to escape from your glass.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

SHIPPING: Are VAT / Duties included in the shipping price?

Duties and VAT are not included. We’ve been working very hard over the past few months to negotiate the best shipping rates, and this is the best solution we were able to come up with to offset any VAT or duties that may be charged. Logistics and shipping are always a challenge and we’ve invested a ton of time to do our best to take care of all our backers and ensure you have the best delivery experience

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

SHIPPING: Will your packaging be durable enough to protect the AVENSI glasses from damage during shipping?

We’ve learned a TON from our last experience (with the ARCTIC Cold Brew system) shipping glass and we’ve invested a considerable amount of time and effort to develop custom packaging solutions to keep the glasses safe! Of course if there’s ever any issues, we’ll always do our best to resolve them.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:25

SHIPPING: Will my pledge rewards ship all at once?

If you pledged for multiple rewards or add-ons then we’ll do our best to ship everything in a single shipment for your convenience. In some cases, if the shipment is too large, we may have to ship it in separate orders to that it arrives faster (typically larger orders can take longer to deliver). Rest assured we’ll pick the best option so that you receive your reward as quickly as possible.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

COFFEE EXPLORER'S EXPERIENCE: What is the Coffee Explorer’s Experience?

The Coffee Explorer’s Experience is a unique coffee tasting experience where we’ll ship you freshly roasted beans so you can explore coffee’s diverse flavors notes with you and your new glasses.

We’ll choose 3 bags of beans (75g each) with distinctly different flavor notes that you can use to taste and explore the diverse flavors of coffee from around the world. Experience the full spectrum of flavours as you embark on your adventure with your AVENSI glassware set.

**It’s currently only available in the USA. We’d love to make this experience available to all our backers internationally, but shipping coffee beans internationally has it’s fair share of challenges. If there’s enough demand in your region, we’ll be able to make the Coffee Explorer’s Experience available to you and the other backers in your area. We will be sending a survey to all our backers after the Kickstarter campaign ends to survey demand and we’ll do our best to make this available in your region.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

COFFEE EXPLORER'S EXPERIENCE: When will you be releasing more information about the "Coffee Explorers Experience"?

The Explorer’s Coffee Experience is already in the works. We have a few roasters lined up in the USA that have an amazing selection of beans from around the world with unique flavor profiles that you can experiment with your AVENSI glasses =) We haven’t finalized the coffees yet since it’s still quite a few months out and the roasters are always geting fresh new micro-batches in stock.

Once more details are finalized after the Kickstarter campaign ends, we’ll be able to solidify the orders with our roasters and provide an exciting update about what you can expect!

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

COFFEE EXPLORER'S EXPERIENCE: Is is available outside the USA?

The Explorer’s Coffee Experience is currently only available in the USA.

We’d love to make this experience available to all our backers internationally, but shipping coffee beans internationally has it’s fair share of challenges.

If there’s enough demand in your region, we’ll be able to make the Coffee Explorer’s Experience available to you and the other backers in your area. We will be sending a survey to all our backers after the Kickstarter campaign ends to survey demand and we’ll do our best to make this available in your region.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

COFFEE EXPLORER'S EXPERIENCE: I’m interested in the Coffee Explorer’s experience. Can I add the associated $20 to my pledge at a future time?

Glad to hear you’re interested in trying our unique selection of delicious coffees from around the world to experiment with your AVENSI glasses!

You can definitely add the $20 pledge on later if you like. After the Kickstarter ends, we’ll be sending everyone Backer surveys where you’ll have the opportunity to add it to your reward tier.

Last updated: July 27, 2019 01:49

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Indiegogo!
No shipping updates are provided.
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BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!

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When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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